Tiger Tapes Becomes Official Supplier to Coventry Rugby

26 March 2021

Tiger Tapes help Coventry Rugby players feel right and feel ready for game day as their Official Sports Tape and Strapping Supplier.

One of the most common uses of the tape within rugby is for lineout lifting, forwards will secure the lifting blocks in place using Tiger Tear to help the lifters get better grip.

Here is Coventry Rugby Player, Adam Peters, giving a demonstration on how to apply lineout tape.

Our range also includes Underwrap, Elastic Adhesive Bandages, Zinc Oxide, Cohesives and K Tape which come highly recommended by the team.

To view all Tiger Tapes products, click here.

Coventry Rugby

Charlie Preston, Partnerships Manager at Physique said:  

“Preparation and injury prevention in rugby is so important, so we’re very pleased Tiger Tapes is the official sports tape and strapping product used by Coventry Rugby to aid their medical team, knowing that the players feel confident, protected, strong and able to perform.”  

Dermot Austin, Coventry Rugby’s Head Physiotherapist said:  

“Tape is something our players use a lot of, so they need to have confidence that it will do the job and last for the whole game. We have faith that when we send our players out onto the pitch with Tiger Tape, that they will feel supported and that it will last for as long as they need it to.” 

Click here to find out more about Coventry Rugby.


Coventry Rugby Club
Coventry Rugby Club

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